I am just now getting rid off a bad cold I caught last week. During the holidays we usually come in contact with a lot of people, and this is usually the time where we start catching viruses. The cold weather, the running around making sure everything is perfect for the festivities, along with the not so healthy holiday diet can make us prone to catch a cold.
I decided to put together an immune support bath, and some tips to help you fight all the unwanted viruses, and stay well during the hostil winter.
Support your immune system this cold & flu season

Besides getting plenty of sleep and staying hydrated, one of my favorite ways to support my immune system when I do not feel well is with a relaxing hot bath using Epsom salts and essential oils. If you aren’t familiar with essential oils here is a simple way to start incorporating them in to your life. Essential oils are often used, in aromatherapy which is a form of alternative medicine. These compounds extracted from plants are not only great to boost your immunity, they can also increase your energy, and can tremendously calm you down in time of chaos. The benefits are really endless. Today I want to introduce you to three must have essentials oils for the winter time.

Clove oil: For its high anti-inflammatory properties, clove oil can come handy during times of sore throat, cough, cold and sinusitis. Adding this oil to you bath can significantly help you clear your nasal passage, to help you sleep better.
if you don’t have a bath, add 5-10 drops to a diffuser, if you don’t have a diffuser yet. Add 10-15 drops to a gallon of water, mop and clean door handles with this mixture. Clove oil has strong antibacterial properties that can inhibit the growth of bacteria. The compounds in the oil can kill a number of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. This can help you maintain your home free of germs preventing the virus to spread to your loved ones. Not you mention the wonderful smell it leaves around the house.
Eucalyptus oil: besides improving your respiratory circulation eucalyptus makes it feel easier to breathe when you’re feeling stuffed up and your nose is running because it activates your nose’s cold receptors. Eucalyptus can help with sleeping when you are feeling congested and unable to breath.
If you don’t have a bath at home, add 5-10 drops to a bowl of boiling water, place a towel over your head and breath the potent vapors for 10 minutes.
Lemon oil: is high in vitamin content, which makes it incredible for the body’s immune system. It further stimulates white blood cells, increasing your ability to fight off cold, flu and fevers.
If you don’t have a bath at home, add 2 drops to hot water and honey to soothe a sore and scratchy throat

Immune support bath
2-3 cups Epsom salt
6 drops clove essential oil
4 drops lemon essential oil
4 drops eucalyptus essential oil
2 sliced orange
2 sliced blood orange/ grapefruit
1 sliced lemon
1 sliced lime