I want to start with the basics. When I embarked this health journey, I was clueless of what or where to buy my groceries. Along the way I found Whole Foods market. The first couple of visits there were intimidating. The vast varieties of products that were completely new to my eye, and the fact that I was buying groceries at a new place made my experience a bit overwhelming.

We all know us humans are creatures of habits. So after shopping there for a while, I started to notice the desire to cook myself the best meals every single week. I mean, how can you not? Everything is organized, colorful and inspiring.

I also noticed that the prices where higher than what I was paying for at my old local supermarket. However, my produce lasted longer and even had a richer taste to it.

I am convinced that this place was one of the biggest factors on my substantial weight loss journey [ which I will share in another post ]
I fell deeply in love with Whole Foods market and its values, so much that I got me a job there :)
I was part of the grocery team for a year. This is when I was able to really learn that it was NOT that expensive, you just had to be smart and take your time when shopping.
For example, the following photo shows groceries that cost me $40.00 all together and should serve for: 5 breakfast + 5 Snacks + 5 Lunches *

And as promised, I've put together a few tips to help you Shop Smart:
1. Try to buy bulk if they have what you are looking for.

The bulk section at Whole Foods, though overwhelming at first, allows you to get just the amount that you're looking for and save $$ --- I cook for one, sometimes two. I like getting ONLY what I need, and that helps me spend and waste less. This is also a great way to start exploring new foods, without having to commit to a whole package..
2. You are not Alone.
Another cool thing is that if a new product catches your attention, and you are unsure to buy it, you can feel free to ask a team member for their opinion. Most of them have a wide experience and have been working, and shopping there for a really long time. And If you still aren’t sure, ask for a sample! they are allowed to give you a taste test! (inside scoop)
3. Do not buy Pre-Cut fruit.
Yes, I know, it is fabulous to not have to peal an entire pineapple and cut it in chucks, but there is a huge difference in price. This also goes for prepared foods, you are there to buy groceries, go home and prepare delicious meals.

I took the time to ask friends - who often eat out - how much they spend for breakfast and lunch, and the daily average they gave me was $15 - $20 usd that equals $400 a month NOT including dinner/weekends/club/cocktails .. wonder why you're broke ? )
The goal here is to really start practicing self love trough food. Step out of your regulars habits little by little. Even if some items are a little pricier than usual , we deserve the best , especially when it comes to what we eat.
If you put premium gas in your car, you CAN feed your body premium food too. After all, it is your body who earns the money for the gas.